Dan comments on McDonald's use of a fake blog as part of it's recent Lincoln fry ad campaign. He also points over to Kevin Dugan who while liking the campaign is equally appalled that someone would create a fake blog.
I'm not likely to win any points here but hey, it's all about free speech right? Creating fake blogs given the righteousness of the blogspehere isn't a particularly smart thing to do. But part of me says lighten up gang - they're having a little fun. A bit like all those newspapers that demonstrate at least a modicum of wit on April Fools day. From the get go I saw the blog as nothing other than fun marketing campaign - a little goofy, silly and OK, lame...
The great thing about the blogsphere is all points of view are represented - we all get to express our thoughts on acts like this. And, at the same time, I suspect provide a useful little virtual focus group for the marketers at McDonalds.
And all this chatter, increases the viral buzz behind the campaign. In fact, it might be the case that unless you are really, really offended by something you blog nada on the grounds that all you're doing is fanning the flames of the very thing that annoyed you in the first place.
And I wonder if at some point the major Blog engines start to control the very medium they are spawning. Maybe only real blogs are allowed? Now were getting into censorship, which begs the very question we started with - Is there anything wrong with a fake blog?