Rod has a couple of terrific posts on the iPhone. I haven't posted because I am still stunned at what they have pulled off. They redefined the device. Things that got me excited:
- Screen size. I'm one of those weird people that watch videos on their iPod - normally while working out. The bigger screen and format mean more viewing and one less device.
- OSX. One less interface to learn. One platform to love. One platform for all my apps.
- WiFi. I live on WiFi. This is a real coup for them. Cingular made Nokia take the WiFi out of the E61 and rendered it useless.
- Camera. Finally, one device for everything.
The other big news that Office 2008 will be ready for the Mac next year and, I hear, Parallels will run Windows apps inside OSX (you don't have to switch between OSs) means I am back on a Mac full-time by December. Brilliant!
One thing I love about Apple is that they just seem to care about their customers. Contrast this to my recent experience on the Microsoft Office 2007 beta and trial and Apple wins hands-down. They seem to just revel in what they are - a product company.
Rod, I'll be standing in line to get you one mate!